Kotlin as New Language to Develop Android applications || An alternative programming language to Java || New programming language to develop android application
Kotlin as New Language to Develop Android applications Kotlin is expressive, concise, extensible, powerful, and a joy to read and write. It has wonderful safety features in terms of null ability and immutability, which aligns with our investments to make Android apps healthy and performance by default. Best of all, it's inter operable with our existing Android languages and run time. So we're thrilled to make Kotlin an official language on Android. If you're interested in using Kotlin, it's easy to get started because it works side by side with Java and C++ on Android. So you can keep your existing code, continue to use the various Android libraries, and incrementally add Kotlin code to your project. Unlike almost any other language, Kotlin is a drop-in replacement you can use bi-bidirectionally—you can call into the Java language from Kotlin, and you can call into Kotlin from the Java language. IDE support is also crucial, and android studio have it. Android...